Grape-to-Bottle Expertise
Highlights of Custom Crush, Grape-to-Bottle Service. In Cali Wine's 50,000 sq. ft. modern winemaking facility, with 50+ fermentation tanks, we offer a grape-to-bottle, custom crush service for wineries that produce or purchase grapes for their winemaking. The ideal grape lot size for the Cali Wine & Vine facility is 4 to 10 tons in each separate lot, though both larger and smaller lots may be accepted. The minimum total tonnage that we can take on for each customer's given harvest is 25 tons, and the maximum total tonnage we can accept is 120 tons per harvest.
As the grape-to-bottle term suggests, this is a complete, end to end winemaking service for some amount of your winery's annual grape production or grape procurement. Cali Wine & Vine receives each client's grapes directly from harvest, then custom crushes and ferments the juice, and takes the resulting wine through the entire winemaking, storage, and aging process (for red wine). Ongoing services include topping and adding SO2 to barrels, and ultimately, all wine is cross flow filtered, fine-tuned, and bottled with Cali's new, high-speed, hi-tech bottling line.
Cali Wine & Vine guarantees that all wines we produce will be of the highest quality that your grapes are capable of delivering, and that the wine will be free of any defects caused by Cali Wine. In addition, our winemakers can employ any number of proprietary (and legal) techniques and additives to take each wine to its maximum taste, quality, and sensory levels.
Pricing Program
For Cali Wine & Vine grape-to-bottle service, we charge a flat annual fee per grape lot, clearly stated upfront, with the fee being based on the number of gallons of wine actually produced by each lot after the final press. The fee for each wine lot is divided and payable to Cali Wine & Vine in twelve equal monthly payments. This payment program provides two important benefits:
- (1) Totally transparent pricing, with a total dollar amount for each wine lot clearly known upfront, and
- (2) a total amount payable that is spread out over 12 monthly payments, which avoids large, lump sum payment demands and unexpected charges.
Cali Wine & Vine furnishes 100% of the facilities, equipment, and services required for the grape-to-bottle program. The client winery provides the grapes, any barrels, and racks that are needed, and the client also buys and provides to Cali Wine & Vine the bottles, corks, capsules (or screw caps) and labels that are needed for bottling.
Contact Cali Wine & Vine for current pricing and other information on any of our services.